New? Start Here

Hi there! I’m Belinda. C’mon in!  This is where I paint watercolors and make small edition prints in assorted printmaking methods from my California studio.  You’ll find resource photos of art-making methods, and encouraging conversations to help you build your own creative practice. Introduce yourself in the comments below, and tell me about the art you make, collect and appreciate.

What’s my story? After decades in non-creative jobs, far away from painting and printmaking, a series of events and interactions inspired an inventory of my priorities. From that point forward, I committed to building a life as an artist, by painting and writing my way through an unpracticed creative landscape. I started sharing my journey in process photos and essays on this blog in 2005. I hoped that words (and images) would encourage other folks (like you, maybe?), who were searching for a Start, or trying to return to creativity, after years of “I’m too busy for art” gaps. In 2014, I started a YouTube channel to share watercolor demos and printmaking tutorials. 

Below, you’ll find an archive of previous projects organized by media, and methods to help you navigate through 600+ encouraging posts. I hope the images and descriptions on these pages demystify process, and inspire you to pull out your art supplies, and make something! If you want to chat, be in touch!

Belinda Del Pesco painting a watercolor at an art festival
Painting Watercolors at an art festival.
art studio brushes and ink stored in pretty ceramic containers

Delighted to Work with...

artists paint brushes

Explore Your Favorite Art-Making Process

Printmaking Posts



Drypoint and Etching

Linocut and Woodcut

Silk Aquatint

Watercolor Posts

Watercolor Glazing

Grid Drawing and Sight-Size

Painting Small

Travel with Watercolors


Still Life

Portrait and Figurative



Artist's Mindset

Exploring painting, printmaking and art, when you haven’t yet mastered the process or tools, can be so discouraging. Most of us haven’t been beginners at anything since we were children, and we’ve lost the stamina to stay on the struggle-bus long enough to grow new skills. 

In both watercolor painting and printmaking, there is a rock pile of trip hazards I still stumble on frequently during my climb towards getting-better-at-it, so I use this blog to write about that. In a way, I’m writing to myself, pondering a more expanded view of my goals to make art, and reaching for the encourager inside, while batting away the ever present critic. I hope these missives are helpful to pull you up the craggy hill with me. 

There’s a lot of art we want to make, and there’s no time to waste being self-critical, blocked, or discouraged. I hope you’ll join me in taking small steps towards a consistent art practice.

Here (below) are some of the most visited posts on the subject of sticking with it, and mindset tips for artists.

Encouraging Posts for Artists

Video Tutorials on Watercolor

Visit my YouTube Channel here to see more video tutorials on Watercolor

Video Tutorials on Printmaking

Visit my YouTube Channel here to see more video tutorials on Printmaking

Looking for Numbers?

I love working with other artists, bloggers, writers and designers. Get in touch if you have questions about collaborations, sales or sponsorships. My amazing, art-loving audience of 50,000 is populated by subscribers to this blog, art patrons, my Youtube channel, Facebook Groups, Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn and X.