Artist Resources for Beginners

Watercolor Paper 101

How to select the right watercolor paper for your painting style
Which Watercolor Paper should you use?
Here is a free three-page download all about watercolor paper. Everything I wished I’d known when I first started painting watercolor two decades ago is distilled in this downloadable PDF. Get that, and a few other watercolor painting tips and links to resources as emails over the next few weeks when you download the primer here.

What Comes Next After a Painting is Finished?

an art studio table nestled into a corner of a room with art supplies everywhere
What’s the sequence of steps to making art in a studio? What comes next after a painting is finished? Here is a handy printable flow chart to show you an organized sequence to follow after every painting is completed. Get that here.

How to Title Your Art

how to title your art
Are you pushing a heavy cart on square wheels up a steep hill each time you wonder what to title a new piece of art? I’ve got a great system for you. I used to struggle mightily with titling my paintings and printmaking, till I unfolded the process and created a system for myself. Watch the intro to this short and effective video course on how to title your art. Sign up and watch the course at your leisure, and you’ll never struggle with titles again.

Using the Grid Method for More Accurate Drawing