5 Instagram Artists Painting Still Life in Watercolor
While we’re hunkering down and staying home, it’s nice to peruse some beautiful still life in watercolor. Seeing the fruits of another artist’s labor adds loft to a flat day, and encourages us to grab art supplies, and practice.
I think my very first love in watercolor was still life painting. It’s such an excellent subject to start with, don’t you think? Take a look at these talented watercolor painters sharing their still life paintings on Instagram, and be inspired.
Paint a Still Life Today?
There you go – five still life watercolor artists on instagram to peruse and follow, if you like their work. It’s interesting to me that so many still life artists using watercolor choose to paint florals. I’m curious to see other subjects in still life watercolor – like food art, room vignettes, or single color studies (EX: all white, like eggs, a milk glass pitcher and a dove). Who are your favorite painters?
I hope you feel inspired, encouraged and ready to paint something new. Maybe even today? Did you harvest any tips or tricks from looking at the feeds on either of the artists shared here?
If you have a follow a watercolor artist working in still life, please share a link in the comments.
Thanks for stopping by and I’ll see you in the next post –
P.S. I just finished listening to this book – Little Fires Everywhere, and enjoyed it very much. Have you read it? What did you think?
Art Quote
A painter is someone who wipes the windowpane between the world and us with light, with a rag made of light, soaked in silence.
Christian Bobin
Love Elke’s Watercolors—wow! Thanks for sharing. Love still life too. I remember seeing a still life by Gauguin as a child and was entranced. Hooked me into being an artist. Maybe I’ll try a monotype still life today! Have you tried watercolor with the gel plate? Love your posts Belinda—thank you!
Hi Ann, I’m glad you like Elke’s work too! I hope you DO try a monotype still life today! Please share if you do. On the gelli plate, I’ve done very little experimentation and never watercolor. If you give it a go, report back so we can deploy whatever tips and tricks you come up with!
Check out Shirley Trevena— amazing watercolorist! http://www.shirleytrevena.com
Hi Jane, Thanks for the recommendation. Her work is fabulous, and I love her sense of design, and pattern-play!