Printmaking Inspiration

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Printmakers to Admire

I found Toronto artist Margaret Rankin’s work online in 2005. Her subjects demonstrate her sharp eye and sure hands. She is a trained Landscape Architect, and her composition and colors are based on nature.

One of the things I was drawn to is the way she uses her blocks – after the fact, when a planned edition is finished.

The same graphic components from a traditional, representational print (trees, clouds, hills) are inked, re-arranged, and paired with new blocks to be printed artfully and whimsically as brand new, one-of-a-kind linocuts.

You can check Margaret’s work out on her blog, or even better, her Instagram account here.

Peruse her Etsy Shop too. (Note: The printmaker geek in me loves the fact that her Etsy listings and her Instagram feed show the blocks she makes her prints from, so if you’re into printmaking process, be sure to scroll through her photos.)

Running Horse 6.5 x 4 Linocut by Margaret Rankin

Collecting Linocut Prints

I purchased this Running Horse print (above) from Margaret’s shop and framed it when we moved – so it was the first art acquisition in our new home at that time. We’ve moved again since then, and I display her beautiful horse in our guest room, where I see it every day, and my visitors can gaze on it to inspire good dreams just before they go to sleep.

Do you recognize some of the overlapping blocks used in this print, compared to my running horse print above? Red Horse Running 6 x 6 Linocut by Margaret Rankin

More Linocut Prints to Inspire You

The Ridge Roof 8×11 Linocut by Margaret Rankin
Mabou Coal Mine Beach 16 x 24 Linocut by Margaret Rankin
Hillside Trees 7.5 x 10.5 Linocut by Margaret Rankin
Margaret is currently making a block a day for 100 days – using recycled food cartons and cereal boxes. Pretty cool, eh? Just imagine all the overlapping shapes you could print from these in different colors and values!
a linocut of a craggy old pine tree, printed on a dark blue background and a white crescent moon
My fir tree linoleum block, used in a variety of printmaking projects, layering flat color with template blocks in a moony, nighttime atmosphere.

Start Your Printmaking Journey

The internet gives us access to the world of talented artists. Inspiration and ideas for your next linocut prints are just a keystroke away.

Pour a cup of tea, grab a sketchbook, and give yourself 30 minutes to gallop around an artist’s website or blog to get your creative mojo percolating.

Once the inspired whirl of your output bears fruit, be sure to post it online so you can keep the inspiration momentum going, and inspire someone else with your work.

Who inspires you with their posted art when your art-making brain feels a little less sharpened?  Leave us a link in the comments so we can collect and bank future inspiration when we need it.

Thanks for stopping by, and I’ll see you in the next post!


Art Quote

Sometime in 1964 I realized that I was a victim of a printmaking obsession, a condition that persists today.

Irving Penn
Linocut Tips in a playlist on my YouTube Channel

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6 thoughts on “Printmaking Inspiration”

  1. Liz Schneiders

    Thanks to visiting Margaret Rankin’s Instagram site I found out May 1st is International “Print Day In May”. Sounds like the perfect opportunity to try a few tetrapak or plastic food container prints on my craft press.

  2. Wonderful! I get so excited by other people’s work – even sometimes by mine!
    Thinking about printing from cardboard, I suppose she treats it with that varnish medium that you recommend, or something like that. As I gather more inks . . .

    1. Hi Kirsten, Yes, other artists being super productive and sharing inventive ideas is completely amazing. Margaret is sharing prints made with her recycled pattern blocks on her instagram feed, so catch those if you can. Have so much fun!

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