Five Art Book Gift Ideas for Sketchers and Watercolor Artists


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Five Art Book Gift Ideas for Sketchers and Watercolor Artists

It’s almost gift-giving season, and you might have not-so-artsy family members struggling with choosing art-related goodies for you or the other artists in your family.

My non-art friends and family want to be supportive of my studio endeavors, but they don’t know what flavor of gift an artist might enjoy. My brother is a musician, and I’m not, so it would be like me picking out a new microphone or guitar strings for him – I’d be lost.

With that in mind, I’m posting a few gifts for artists; some very specific, and others pretty broad, so you’ll have inspiration for your own wish list, or you can use this as a hopping off point in your artist-friend gift-search.

Which books make good gifts for Painters and Sketchers?

Color Mixing Bible

I adore Ian Sidaway’s drawings and watercolors, and I have at least 4 of his books in my studio.

This one teaches mixing color in all media, so whether your artist is using watercolor, oils, acrylics, colored pencil, gouache, or pastels, Ian Sidaway has you covered. A good color mixing book is an excellent addition to any artist’s studio.

a monotype with pastel showing an interior art deco bathroom with a bright, open window and a bouquet of flowers on the sill
Keyhole to Spring 20 x 18 monotype with pastel on paper

No Excuses Watercolor

If you know an artist who’s frustrated with watercolor, and their former attempts at the medium resulted in brushes and paints gathering dust, this might be just the book for them. 

Gina Rossi Armfield covers watercolor sketching and journaling materials, process and attitude with humor and a Can-Do message through out each exercise in this wonderful, light-hearted book.

The art work is unfussy, and whimsical, so there’s no pressure to make anything “photo-perfect”. The focus is on playing with and getting acquainted with materials, and having fun.

Windowsill Watch 8 x 8 Watercolor on paper

Art Lab for Kids

If you have miniature budding artists in your family, Susan Schwake’s Art Lab for Kids is a great assembly of 52 simple art projects that are easy to follow, and broad enough to pick and choose through a variety of media and subjects.

Tin Horse with Lilies 7.5 x 10.5 Watercolor on paper

Art Before Breakfast

Danny Gregory has written numerous books that have launched the practice of sketching, drawing and painting to people who have never touched an art supply.

I’m a big fan, and this little book is perfect for the newbie or the seasoned artist who loves watercolor, sketching and pen and ink, but feels there’s just not enough time for either.

pet portraits in watercolor
Flower Chewer, 7 x 7 Watercolor on paper

Watercolor Success in Four Steps

Marina Bakasova has distilled the basics of watercolor painting into four steps with visual and written instructions in this little book. Examples are unfussy, and plentiful. She includes still life, animals, common household objects and flowers.

When I cook, I really appreciate visuals as part of the recipe instructions (hello, Pioneer Woman) and this watercolor instruction book follows that approach. I especially like that she keeps the finished paintings simple to avoid white-knuckled death grab painting of every-little-detail.

Vanilla Sun 10.5 x 8 watercolor on paper

An Art Library

Flipping through art instruction books, or a profile/biography of a seasoned artist when creative motivation alludes you is a quick shot of inspiration mojo. Don’t be afraid to add a book to your collection, or hint that you’d like a new art book as a gift.

Sitting in front of your art books on a shelf with a cup of tea might be just the nudge you need to plan a new painting, or climb out of a creative slump.

I read a great article in Forbes about the science and mental health benefits of gratitude, and I’m sharing it here in case you missed it. I’m grateful for YOU – for taking the time to read this, for leaving feedback on my posts & videos, and for being a fellow appreciator of art and all things creative.

♥Thank you♥, and I’ll see you in the next post,


art books on a shelf in an artist's studio
A precious (to me) shelf of used books in my studio.

Art Quote

Art is a great expression of emotion which covers your attitude towards people & things. It can have no formulas, as it is a registration of reactions. Modern Art theory says art musn’t look like anything at all & nothing is creative unless it comes from the inner conscious & technique is nothing. That’s misleading to people. They ought to know how to draw, at least. I don’t like to see a face with a nose three times too long & a neck out of joint just because the artists’ mind happened to conjure it that way.
~Colin Campbell Cooper 1925

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9 thoughts on “Five Art Book Gift Ideas for Sketchers and Watercolor Artists”

  1. After reading your post I bought Color Mixing Bible as a Christmas present to myself! I’m wondering, to get a bit of a better handle on mixing Akua intaglio inks, what section would be most helpful? The “ink” section seems to be more for acrylic inks. At the moment, I’m rather good at making mud colours!

    1. Hi Louise, I love to pick my own art books as Christmas presents too! Good for you! For akua inks, the best bet it to sit with some brushes, stir sticks, scrap paper and a palette knife or spatula, and just play. The color mixes they encourage lean more towards 4-color print process (CMYK), I think, but you can get beautiful shades with a little dabbling & practice. Have a look at this page on their web site:
      And keep a journal with pull-down samples on the pages and notes about the colors used to get those shades.I hope that helps!

      1. Rats! 🙂 Was hoping you’d say, “Try section such and such!” One day soon I’ll have to make a pot of tea and “play” like you suggest. Still, that’s not a bad way to spend a snowy January afternoon. Thanks! Appreciate the Akua link too.

  2. I second Annie. We’re all grateful for you, Belinda! Your posts are so generous and encouraging and your art is beautiful and inspiring.

  3. Thank you Belinda for the gratitude article! I am grateful for your kind, encouraging energy and the way you use watercolor to give us rich deep sultry images…..

    1. Thank YOU, Annie! I’m glad you enjoyed the article too. I loved the notion of being grateful for the splatter of spots on a trout! 🙂 I truly appreciate your comments & encouragement.

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