Linocut: Got Any More cookies?

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linocut of greyhound dogs
Got Any More Cookies? Linocut & Watercolor

Making a Linocut Print

The first time I made a linocut, I carved all of my drawn lines off the plate, resulting in a dark background (I used black ink) and a white-line print. It wasn’t awful, but it also wasn’t the linocut print I had in mind. I carved the next block with the opposite approach; I removed all block material with my gouges and knives, except for the drawn lines. That resulted in a repeatable print that looked more akin to the drawing I’d rendered on the block. Like any new art-making form, it takes a few tries to get a feel for the medium, and to nudge it towards the results you’re looking for.

All the Things

Over the years, I’ve been amazed at the breadth and depth of printmaking approaches, materials, tricks and tips from fellow printmakers, just in the relief print category. That doesn’t take into account all the options we have for intaglio, monotype, collagraph, drypoint, etc. The world of printmaking is remarkably rich and varied, so you could spend years just getting your head around the basics.

greyhound watercolor painting
Greyhounds are expert loungers, despite their reputation for speed

Are you Ready to make a Linocut?

For those of you interested in starting a linocut, I have a couple tutorials on my youtube channel dedicated to relief print here.  You can watch the demonstrations to get a feel for the process, take some notes, and then gather your supplies to make a linocut of your own. Under each video window, there is a Show More link. CLicking on it will open a list of supplies used in that particular video, with links to resources online, if I could find them.

If you venture into printmaking, be sure to leave us a link to your work so we can leave encouraging comments!
Thanks for stopping by and I’ll see you in the next post!
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carving a linocut of dogs
The linoleum block this print was made from 

Art Quote

In 1926, a year after Sargent’s death, Adrian Stokes, who had accompanied the artist to the Alps, described what had inspired his late friend to paint particular watercolor:

Sargent’s watercolors… usually record, with the utmost directness, something that had excited his admiration, or appealed to his artistic intelligence. That may have been the clearly defined and exquisite edge of some rare object; of the way in which  a dark thing, when opposed to vivid light, is invaded by it, and loses local color; or the change that seems to occur in the color of things along the edge where they meet.

~The Watercolors of John Singer Sargent, by Carl Little 1998

relief print carving set up
Set up for carving a linocut or woodblock
printing a linocut of greyhound dogs
The print Got Any More Cookies? in black and white before I added watercolor

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5 thoughts on “Linocut: Got Any More cookies?”

  1. @Barbara – Thanks so much for your always-generous comments. I’ve been thinking about you this Spring and hoping you feel better. There are budding trees and sprouting gardens and art supplies that need you to look at and love them!

  2. Love this so much. Incredible image, and amazing work that’s gone into it.
    Plus I loved the quote because Sargent is one of my faves, and his watercolours top the charts. So does your work girl!

    XOXOXOX Have a great weekend,

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